Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday 04.02.2013

Morning routines... all is well.
Still sub-freezing temps: 29 degrees this morning! But beautiful and sunny.

Sherry on site today.
SY completed reports for Vicki Bush (SC)

Grelen Nursery worker, Carl, on site to finish landscaping around new maple tree out front. (see 04.01)

Tim Reece-landscaper recommended by Jeff Gray (Paving Co.) on site re: cobblestone edging for new driveway application on Cottage Lane. We made a quick trip to the new site on Ortman Road so he could see exactly what we're wanting here at Ramsay. (Met new owner there, Mr. VerBueken (sp?) Tim will have proposal very soon.

Reae Sargeant dropped by on her way to Winston Salem!
Mike Herring called-will begin new fencing along driveway tomorrow.
Don Wright called re: clearing along Stockton Creek--will resume in 1-2 days as things are drying up.
Delivery service called confirming delivery of 'marble' (?) for Sat. 4/6
Final email confirmation with Albemarle. Historic Preservation Comm. for 4/19 3pm.

Evening routines.. all is well!

1 comment:

  1. We discussed the cottage lane as well as the lane to the barn. I am still in favor of doing the lane to the barn as well.
