Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Catching up--February 22-26, 2014

All has been well here at Ramsay since our post at the end of last week.  The weekend weather was lovely, compared to the past few weeks of rain/snow/cold/gray.  Weekend guests seemed to enjoy their visit, and had an inadvertent visit with our dogs on Saturday.

This week has been mostly routine.  On Monday, Donny came and picked up some of the round bales of hay from the northwest field, Sherry was here working her magic in the main house, and Geo continued his work clearing underbrush and helping with livestock feeding.  Sherry and Geo were here for part of the day on Tuesday, which was cloudy and cold.  Wednesday began with beautiful flurries of snow, which, fortunately, didn't amount to anything.  By late morning, the skies had cleared and the rest of the day was sunny, although still cold and breezy.  Tonight's temperatures are expected to be in the low teens.

View to the north, photo by Stephen
Stephen spent much of today doing monthly accounts and other paperwork in our farmhouse estate office, but also ran some farm errands and coordinated with Geo about his work.  He talked with Kevin Kennedy, Ramsay's in-house carpenter over most of the past year, who is going to install a filtration system for the fish pool adjacent to the parterre garden.  Our good friends at Grelen Nursery in Orange County say their search for the special trees needed for the estate is still underway.

March is just around the corner, and we are seeing some very slight greening in the fields in response to the longer days, even though it's still cold (today's high was 37 degrees, the morning low was 15 degrees).  Stephen also noticed these hopeful sprouts in the garden between the driveway and the Carriage House.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday and Friday, February 20 and 21, 2014

The snow has continued to disappear, thanks to warmer temperatures and some heavy rain Friday morning.  Both Sherry and Geo worked part of the day on Thursday, and Geo and Stephen worked on various projects on the property on Friday.

A week ago, the view to the north looked like this...

And today, it looked like this...

Guests are enjoying the outdoor fireplace Friday night under mostly clear skies and temperature of 45 degrees.

Weekend weather promises to be pleasant, although the ground remains sodden and rather slippery in some places.  We hope the next few sunny days will help end our mud season for now!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Between yesterday afternoon and this afternoon, about a foot of snow has melted into the fields around Ramsay.  There is water standing in flat and low areas and trickling into the ravines and creeks, as the drifts and slush disappear, with much mud underfoot!  Temperatures this afternoon were in the mid-50s, with gusty winds.

Sherry and Geo were on site today.  Geo helped with further snow/slush clearing as well a variety of other jobs, helping to clean up the residue of last week's storm.  He also helped Stephen move the horses back to the front pasture after their sojourn in the southwest pasture for the past week, in order to make the best use of the existing grass.

Geo  working to clear one of the walkways.

Horses last week in the southwest pasture, hoping for an
early dinner.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

There was a whole lot of melting goin' on at Ramsay today!  Temperatures reached the mid-50s by early afternoon after a blustery morning, and by mid-afternoon, these dagger-like icicles, which had been hanging off the farmhouse roof on both sides of the deck, came crashing down.  Fortunately, no one was hurt!

Sherry and Geo were here for part of the day.  Geo cleared snow from the outdoor fireplace area, among other jobs.  Stephen coordinated with them, completed some office work, and ran some errands in the afternoon.

The snow is passable now in the pastures--except in areas where it was drifted, the 14 or so inches are down to about 6 or 7.  It's amazing how quickly snowy fields can turn into muddy fields when the sun stays out and the temperatures rise!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

The weekend was quiet at the farm.  Stephen and I were away on Sunday, traveling to Richmond to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and to visit family.

Spectacular sunset over the big barn,
Sunday evening
Today has been cloudy and cold--it was 15 degrees at 6:30 AM, and the highest temperature was 34 degrees at around 3 PM.  The snow now has an inch-thick frozen layer on top that makes walking in it difficult.  I went out this morning with our dogs, and found that they could walk on top of it for the most part, even though the smallest weighs around 70 pounds, and the largest about 100 pounds!

Heading back toward the farmhouse
from the NW pasture--Obie stands
atop about 14 inches of snow.
Geo came today and shoveled the now very firm and heavy snow off the walkways from the main house to the cottage and studio.  We're all cautious about walking anywhere, as there is some melting and runoff during the day, then re-freezing overnight.  Areas that stay shaded during the day are still covered with snow and/or ice in many places.

Sidewalk from main house front porch to
the Cottage
Sherry was here in the morning, doing maintenance cleaning in the main house.  Stephen had an appointment on site this afternoon with guests who are interested in renting the property in the future.  They seemed very pleased and will be back in touch.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday morning, February 15, 2014

Stephen continued to work on pushing snow from driveways and sidewalks yesterday, and Geo was able to get here in the afternoon to help with shoveling around the houses.  The sidewalks to the buildings are clear now, and nothing seems to have been damaged by the storm.

Here are a few more pictures from yesterday; Stephen took them once he reached the top of the cottage lane with the big tractor.  The wind had blown the snow off the shrubs and trees by this time, and the foot or so of snow on the roofs had begun to slide off.

Before the shoveling....
We received another inch or so of heavy, wet snow this morning, but it may melt during the day as temperatures should be above freezing.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day from Ramsay!  Today dawned clear after a night of high wind.  All the snow has been blown off the trees without mishap, and it's 40 degrees at the moment, so the areas Stephen cleared yesterday are melting off fast, with some dry pavement showing on the main driveway.  This morning, Stephen found that snow had blown across the main entrance to a depth of 3 feet overnight, so he spent some time re-clearing that, as well as pushing out the parking lots in front of the workshop and the carriage house and making more space in the turnaround at the top of the main drive.  At the moment, he is working on the cottage lane.

Here are a few early morning pics.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday PM upate, February 13, 2014

We received another 4 inches of snow this afternoon after the lull in the late morning, but fortunately, no ice or freezing rain, so trees and other landscaping seems fine, and we have not lost our power.  Stephen went out twice more during the afternoon, maintaining and improving the clearing on the driveways, shoveling sidewalks, then feeding cows and horses again around 5 PM.  He also did a quick check inside the main house just to make sure everything was safe, sound and functional, and all was well.

Our local NBC TV station was requesting pictures of weather in our area, along with our depth of snow, so unbeknownst to Stephen, I sent in one I had taken this morning and they did use it on the 5 PM local news (NBC 29).  Here's what it looked like on our TV (with the DVR timer showing, because I had paused the news so Stephen could see it when he returned from feeding).

The forecast for tonight indicates that we should expect snow to end around 9 PM tonight, and tomorrow temps will be in the upper 30s and lower 40s.  A word of warning to all of us and any visitors--be really careful whenever you go out a door underneath the slope of a roof when there's a lot of snow on it!  We have seen major avalanches today off the barn roofs, the workshop roof, and our own roof onto the deck!  So far, none of them have landed on us or the animals.

We feel very blessed to have been able to stay warm and safe, and hope everyone else can say the same after this biggest winter storm in five years.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The weather forecast was accurate this time--we had about 16 inches of snow at the farm at 8:00 AM, and it's still snowing.

Stephen was out early, breaking a pathway along the driveways and the farm lane.  The snow was too deep for the smaller tractor, so the JD 5300 was called up for duty and did an admirable job.  The snow is very dry, and the temperature is 19 degrees, there has been very little wind, so there are a few drifts, but mostly heaps of snow like powdered sugar on the tops of everything.

Animals have all been fed.

Once the big tractor had cleared the way, the smaller one could
be used to carry hay and feed to the cows.

More photos later, provided we keep our internet connection.  The second band of snow is due to pass through this afternoon, and is supposed to be wetter and heavier, so we shall see!  Having cleared paths this morning, the next dose of snow will be easier to manage.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It began snowing at Ramsay at 4:45 PM--still very fine, but already covering the ground.  Today's high was 24 degrees, so the ground and all the surfaces are already very cold.  No one was here today except for Stephen and me.  Stephen spent the day doing some office work and a couple of errands, then getting the animals, equipment and the property ready for the snow.

Wx update for Wednesday, February 12, 2014

We are hoping for the best here at Ramsay!  The best would be if we don't lose our power due to the heavy snow.  We do anticipate losing our internet service for computers and Smart TV, which is provided wirelessly due to our "rural" location (off the fiber-optic grid).  We have found that the signal apparently does quite well travelling from a satellite to earth, but not so much through falling snow!  We should still be able to pull a signal on our phones (Verizon) unless power goes off and stays off until batteries expire, but without computers, we may not add blog postings if power is off.

Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Today was clear and cold, with the high being 34 at midday.  Geo cleared more brush today, and Sherri was here in the morning.  Donnie came and topped off the hay supply in advance of the snowy weather anticipated for tomorrow and Thursday.  The total accumulation of snow is now predicted to be 10-16 inches for our part of the state.  All the vehicles will be out of the weather, and tractors and other equipment are ready for clearing driveways and sidewalks, as well as feeding animals.

Stephen made his regular property rounds morning and evening, checked in with Sherry, worked with Geo on several jobs, and completed some office work.  The day ended peacefully, and with another lovely Blue Ridge sunset.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

This past weekend was an uneventful one at the farm.  The only visitors were our son and his family (Gordon, Melissa and granddaughter, Haley) on Sunday afternoon.  The weather remained cold and mostly gray, but Melissa, Haley and I did pay a visit to the cows and horses.  We visited the fish pool, too, hoping to see one of the koi, but no fish were visible--I expect they are hibernating underneath the big rocks, since it's so cold.

Today's news includes a forecast of what may turn out to be a major winter storm for this week, beginning Wednesday evening and continuing through Thursday, with accumulation of perhaps 8 to 14 inches.

Stephen and Geo battened down the hatches ahead of the storm, just in case.  We are hoping we don't lose power to the farm, which has happened in the past with heavy snows; it can weigh down tree branches, which then pull down power lines.  

Sherry was here doing "maintenance" cleaning, watering plants, etc.  Her buddy, the little screech owl was back again this morning, roosting in the framing of the south portico.  This time, Stephen and I got to see him (or her).  The owl is small, but beautifully marked, and appeared to see us inside, but quickly closed its eyes, maybe going back to sleep.  We imagine the little owl has been catching mice, which seems a good exchange for sheltering in the roof of the porch!  Thanks to Stephen for the photo.

Melvin, the Orkin technician, was on site today, taking care of all the dwellings.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

A clear but cold day on the farm today.  Geo was here working on brush clearing, taking advantage of the improved weather.  The ground is saturated with water; all the fields have water standing in low areas and are muddy underneath the grass even on the slopes.  Our forecast predicts snow starting tonight and continuing into tomorrow, with accumulation of about an inch, so the sogginess won't be improved within the next few days.  However, we're glad to think that all that water is ending up in the water supply for Ramsay, wells and springs, in Stockton Creek, and in the spring and summer harvests of hay.

Ramsay has contracted with interior designers from Richmond to do work in the main house, the carriage house and the studio.  They were on site today beginning that work, and picking up some furniture to be reupholstered.  We look forward to seeing the finished products.

Tim Scarborough was on site to meet with Stephen to examine the privet hedges around the Carriage House.  The extremes of winter weather and temperature changes have taken a minor toll on the foliage of a few sections, but Tim thinks it is not serious and expects them to make a full recovery in the spring.

The day ended with another beautiful winter sunset.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today was a lovely day, though still a bit cold.  Patsy and Heather were on site doing a cold-weather cleanup of plantings around the main house, and Jessica was here to check on the fish pool.  Stephen did his regular rounds at both ends of the day, fed the animals, did some office work, checked in with the gardeners and Jessica, and washed the "winter" off the truck.

Yesterday afternoon was blustery and this afternoon is very still and quiet.  According to the weather vane on the cupola of the new barn, the most recent gust of wind came out of the east/southeast.  We're happy to be noticing the days growing longer bit by bit!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A very "composite" day, weather-wise, at Ramsay today.  We began with 32 degrees and freezing rain--even the gravel driveway was slippery.  By 1 PM, the temperature was in the 50s with sunny skies.  Now, at 5:45 PM, dark clouds are rolling in from the west, it's very windy, and the temperature is 45.  The late afternoon sun, along with the approaching cloud bank made for some beautiful lighting effects.

Sherry was here today, and her new owl friend was here, too, roosting in the south portico.  Thanks to Sherry for the photo!

It's been too wet for Geo to continue the clean-up of the woods, but he plans to return as soon as possible.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 3, 2014

Today was cold and overcast, with mist on the mountains in the morning so we could hear the freight trains pulling the grade on Afton as if they were very close, but couldn't see them.  Despite the cold damp and grayness (high of 35 degrees), our estimable gardener, Patsy, and her assistant, Heather, were here in the morning to complete the pruning of the hedge along the upper end of Cottage Lane.  Sherry was here as well, and Chuck stopped by in the afternoon.

Patsy and Heather at work (photo courtesy of Stephen)
We are all tired of the cold and drizzle and mud, and wishing that spring were a little closer!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Saturday and Sunday, February 1 and 2, 2014

Saturday and Sunday were uneventful and peaceful at Ramsay.  Stephen took advantage of the nice weather on Saturday to do some cleaning up in the front pasture, and Clay stopped by mid-day to check in with Stephen about the restoration work on the carriage.  We have found out that the carriage was built by Montgomery Ward around the turn of the 20th century, roughly 1890-1910 or so, which is great because that is when Ramsay's main house and farmhouse were built.  Currently, Clay and another restoration person are investigating what the original paint color was on the metal frame.  The "carriage guy" in Dayton, VA who does a lot of work for the Amish community in the Shenandoah Valley says the carriage is in excellent shape given its age, with most or all needed restoration work being cosmetic rather than structural.

Sunday was another beautiful day--for the first time in a long while, it was the same temperature outside as inside our house--about 65-67 degrees mid-day.  We saw Jack Scruby and some other Ramsay connections at church.  Jack has asked me to be on the Heritage Committee for Emmanuel Episcopal, which should be a good fit with my historical collections, records management, preservation and information organization background.  I expect the history of Emmanuel will have many connections to the history of Ramsay, and look forward to learning more about them both.

In honor of Ground Hog Day on Sunday, the dogs and I visited the two primary ground hog sites we know of, both in the pastures on the west side.  Laddie decided to investigate one of them, and you may recognize where this one is--that's the treeline on the boundary with Ridgely in the background.  Judging by the red dirt piled on the ground near this burrow, it may be pretty recent, but we haven't seen any ground hogs "in person."