Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

In my previous blog post (Wednesday, August 27), I mentioned seeing lots of wildflowers around the fields, but I didn't have pictures to share at the time.  Usually when I'm out walking, I have all three dogs with me and I often don't have the opportunity to take pictures, so this afternoon I walked down to Stockton Creek without the dogs (who weren't happy about it), so I could try and capture photos of some of the fall flowers.  Here are some of the photos--I wish I could identify them for us, but am not able to at the moment--I need to get a field guide to wildflowers!  There are a few farm activity photos after the flowers, courtesy of Stephen.

On the bank of the creek--a glimmer of water in the background.

Bees love these!

Butterflies love these!

Painters were busy all day today and will probably be working tomorrow as well.  The outside of the main house is gleaming with new, white paint.

Painters getting an early start this morning.
Geo, Richard, Connie, Sherry and Kevin were working on site today in addition to the painting crew. We are expecting guests in one of the rental properties tomorrow for the long weekend, and Cipriano and his assistants will be here tomorrow to work on the water filtration system for the fishpond.   Several people will be working on Labor Day Monday, despite it being a holiday for most.

Some of the maple trees along the main driveway are starting to show some fall color.

The horses wish everyone a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!

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