Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I was away last week, so wasn't here to witness all the activity at Ramsay first hand, but here's a recap based on Stephen's account and photos.

Work continued on the surround of the fish pond, and Chris from Kennedy Electric was on site to hook up the electrical part of the new filtration system.

Bobby's crew completed their restoration work on the Grigg barn, and John's painting crew was here to complete painting the barn, a section of fence along with the new gate into the barnyard, and the roof of the old chicken coop across the lane from the barn.  David A. completed his work on the cupola of the barn, installing the lightning rod/weather vane on top of the cupola.

Workers were here to replace the ceiling material of the portico of the barn and to paint it once complete.

The vegetable garden is thriving, producing crops that are either ready for harvest already (lettuce, Swiss chard) or are on the small side now and will be ready within a few days (cucumbers, eggplants, peppers).  There are many promising blooms on the squash plants, and many green tomatoes on all the vines.

Kyle, Geo, Sherry and Connie were on site, providing the necessary skills and labor to keep the grounds neat, maintain and improve garden areas, and to keep all the dwellings spotless.

The hens continue to seem happy in their temporary aviary, while plans are underway for a more permanent coop in that area.  They reliably provide four eggs per day, many of which are being given to guests in the Cottage as well as being sent to the main house when residents are here.  The hens also provide help with recycling vegetable and fruit which would ordinarily be discarded.  They love strawberries, grapes, blueberries, and greens of any kind, especially the ones from fresh carrots.

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