Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday 06.11.2013

Round bale sentinels guard the fence by Ridgely!
The glorious Sun returned today--a wonderful Summer Day!
Sherry and SY - the usual & very quiet guests at the Cottage.

    Looking NE as the tail end of the storm retreats!

Our part time yard man - Kevin White - followed faithfully in my (SY) footsteps 
and got our little compact tractor stuck in the bog down by the pond!

Ready for a Power Wash - which soon followed!

Kyle, JD, Nate

Cobblestone thieves
(masquerading as stone masons) 
were discovered early this morning in the parterre garden
as the garden/walkway rehab work continues.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glade you told me it was a stone mason-thought it was a plumber!
