Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25, 2016

The Winter months have brought the usual weather
 and undesired consequences to Ramsay this year!

After the heavy snow received and recorded in last month's post,
we received another snowfall around Valentine's Day.

No "snow days" for farmers - the animals must be fed!

A new snow blower.....
...was a welcomed addition!

St. Francis in the Carriage House garden.

The 5"-6" of powdery snow created a new Winter Wonderland (above) but 1"- 2" 
of ice, freezing rain, then warmer temps played havoc with some of our trees (below).

Farm House Lane

Cottage Lane

Huge limb out of Magnolia on the north lawn.

In between the snow storms, we lost our older Beltie, Bessie.
The vet attributed her death to old age and severe winter temperatures.

Bessie - last winter.   

Bessie laid to rest on "yonder hill"!

Laddie consoles Ginny in the loss of her Aunt Bessie!

The nasty weather clears and the Doggies get back to their pasture walks....

Grandpa & Nana visit their new grand daughter - Julie Elizabeth...

...and another day comes to a close at Ramsay in the Winter!